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AHM-540 Dumps - Medical Management Practice Exam Questions

AHIP AHM-540 - Medical Management Braindumps

AHIP AHM-540 - AHIP Certification Practice Exam

  • Certification Provider:AHIP
  • Exam Code:AHM-540
  • Exam Name:Medical Management Exam
  • Total Questions:163 Questions and Answers
  • Updated on:Nov 29, 2024
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AHIP AHM-540 This Week Result

AHM-540 Question and Answers

Question # 1

The case management team at the Hightower Health Plan reviewed the medical records of the following two plan members to determine the type of care each one needs and the most appropriate setting for that care:

Ira Morton was hospitalized for a severe stroke. Although his medical condition is stable, the stroke left him partially paralyzed and he will require extensive rehabilitation and 24-hour medical care.

Theresa Finley is recovering from a total hip replacement and is in need of short-term physical therapy and twice-weekly visits from a licensed nurse to check her blood pressure and the healing of her incision.

From the answer choices below, select the response that correctly identifies the level of care that would be most appropriate for Mr. Morton and Ms. Finley.



Mr. Morton-acute care Ms. Finley-subacute care


Mr. Morton-palliative care Ms. Finley-acute care


Mr. Morton-subacute care Ms. Finley-skilled care


Mr. Morton-skilled care Ms. Finley-palliative care

Discussion 0
Question # 2

MCOs usually have a formal program for the oversight of delegated activities. The following statements concern typical delegation oversight programs. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement.



A letter of intent is the contractual document that describes the delegated functions and the responsibilities of the MCO and the delegate.


In most cases, the evaluation of a candidate for delegation is based entirely on the candidate’s application and supporting documentation and does not include an on-site assessment of the candidate.


Under most delegation agreements, an MCO cannot terminate the agreement before the end date stated in the agreement.


One objective for a delegation oversight program is to integrate any delegated activities into the MCO’s overall programs for medical management and other functions.

Discussion 0
Question # 3

The paragraph below contains two pairs of terms enclosed in parentheses. Select the term in each pair that correctly completes the paragraph. Then select the answer choice containing the two terms that you have chosen.

Under a delegation arrangement, the (delegate / delegator) is responsible for performing the delegated function according to established standards, and the (delegate / delegator) is ultimately accountable for any deficiencies in the performance of the function.



delegate / delegate


delegate / delegator


delegator / delegate


delegator / delegator

Discussion 0

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Why choose Exams4sure AHM-540 Practice Test?

With the complete collection of AHM-540 practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through AHIP Certification test questions for your AHIP exam preparation. In this AHM-540 exam dumps study guide we have compiled real Medical Management exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass AHIP Certification exam in your first attempt.

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