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PCNSC Dumps - Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant Practice Exam Questions

Paloalto Networks PCNSC - Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant Braindumps

Paloalto Networks PCNSC - Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations Practice Exam

  • Certification Provider:Paloalto Networks
  • Exam Code:PCNSC
  • Exam Name:Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant Exam
  • Total Questions:60 Questions and Answers
  • Updated on:Dec 1, 2024
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Paloalto Networks PCNSC This Week Result

PCNSC Question and Answers

Question # 1

A Security policy rule is configured with a Vulnerability Protection Profile and an action of Deny".

Which action will this configuration cause on the matched traffic?



The configuration is invalid it will cause the firewall to Skip thisSecurity policy rule A warning will be displayed during a command.


The configuration is valid It will cause the firewall to deny the matched sessions. Any configured Security Profiles have no effect if the Security policy rule action is set to "Deny"

The configuration will allow the matched session unless a vulnerability signature is detected. The "Deny" action will supersede the per. defined, severity defined actions defined in the associated Vulnerability Protection Profile.


The configuration is invalid. The Profile Settings section will be- grayed out when the action is set to "Deny"

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Question # 2

A user's traffic traversing a Palo Alto Networks NGFW sometime can reach http//www company com At the session times out. The NGFW has been configured with a PBF rule that the user's traffic matches when it goes to http //www company com.

How con the firewall be configured to automatically disable the PBF rule if thenext hop goes down?



Configure path monitoring for tine next hop gateway on the default route in tin- virtual router.


Enable and configure a Link Monitoring Profile for the external interface of the firewall.


Create and add a Monitor Profile withan action of Wait Recover in the PBF rule in question.


Create and add a Monitor Profile with an action of Fail Over in the PBF rule in question.

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Question # 3

An administrator has enabled OSPF on a virtual router on the NGFW OSPF is not adding new routes to the virtual router.

Which two options enable the administrator top troubleshoot this issue? (Choose two.)



Perform atraffic pcap at the routing stage.


View System logs.


Add a redistribution profile to forward as BGP updates.


View Runtime Status virtual router.

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Why choose Exams4sure PCNSC Practice Test?

With the complete collection of PCNSC practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations test questions for your Paloalto Networks exam preparation. In this PCNSC exam dumps study guide we have compiled real Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations exam in your first attempt.

Why Prepare from Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations PCNSC Exam Dumps?

Familiarity with Exam Format:
One of the main reasons candidates might look towards PCNSC dumps is to familiarize themselves with the Paloalto Networks exam format. Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations practice exam can give a glimpse into the types of questions asked and how they are structured.

Identifying Key Topics:
Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant exam questions can highlight recurring themes and topics that are frequently tested, helping Paloalto Networks candidates to focus their studies on areas of high importance.

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Candidates under tight schedules may feel pressured to use Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Consultant exam dumps as a way to quickly cover a lot of material. This is often seen in situations where Paloalto Certifications and Accreditations certification is needed for job retention or promotion.

Confidence Boosting:
Seeing and answering PCNSC exam-like questions can boost a candidate's confidence, making them feel more prepared for the actual Paloalto Networks exam.


The PCNSC certification validates the knowledge and expertise of professionals in designing, deploying, and managing network security using Palo Alto Networks technologies. It demonstrates proficiency in securing network infrastructures and ensuring operational security.

The PCNSC certification is ideal for network security consultants, security engineers, and IT professionals who work with Palo Alto Networks products and seek to advance their skills in managing and securing network environments.

There are no mandatory prerequisites for the PCNSC exam. However, candidates are recommended to have hands-on experience with Palo Alto Networks products and a foundational knowledge of network security concepts.

The PCNSC exam covers a range of topics, including network security design, security management, troubleshooting, firewall policies, threat prevention, and securing networks using Palo Alto Networks products.

The PCNSC exam consists of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions that evaluate the candidate’s ability to design, implement, and manage network security using Palo Alto Networks solutions.

The PCNSC exam is 80 to 90 minutes long, during which candidates must answer approximately 75 questions.

The passing score for the PCNSC exam is typically around 70%, though it may vary slightly based on exam difficulty.

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