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QSBA2024 Dumps - Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam-2024 Practice Exam Questions

Qlik QSBA2024 - Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam-2024 Braindumps

Qlik QSBA2024 - Qlik Sense Business Analyst Practice Exam

  • Certification Provider:Qlik
  • Exam Code:QSBA2024
  • Exam Name:Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam-2024 Exam
  • Total Questions:50 Questions and Answers
  • Updated on:Oct 2, 2024
  • Product Format: PDF & Test Engine Software Version
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Qlik QSBA2024 This Week Result

QSBA2024 Question and Answers

Question # 1

A business analyst needs to create a visualization that compares two measures over time using a continuous scale that includes a range. The measures will be Profit and Revenue.

Which visualization should the business analyst use?



Line chart


Bullet chart


Bar chart


Scatter plot

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Question # 2

A business analyst has access to all of a company's data for the past 10 years. The source table consists of the following fields: TransactionID, TransactionTime, Transaction Date, Transaction Year, Cardholder, Cardholder address, Cardissuer, and Amount.

Users request to create an app based on this source with the following requirements:

•Users only review the data for the past 2 years

•Data must be updated daily

•Users should not view cardholder info

Which steps should the business analyst complete to improve the app performance?



•Delete Cardholder and time fields in Data manager

•Use a bookmark based on auto-calendar fields

•Use the reload function in the sheet Editor asset panel


•Delete Cardholder and time fields in Data manager

•Use set analysis to show data based on transaction year

•Use an API to perform a daily reload task


• Deselect Cardholder and time fields in Data manager

• Use a filter pane based on auto-calendar fields

• Perform a daily reload via the Data manager


• Deselect Cardholder and time fields in Data manager

• Apply a filter to extract data based on transaction year

• Request a daily reload task from the system admin

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Question # 3

A business analyst is working with retail data for consumer products. The customer is interested in the following:

• Ability to look for outliers on sales volume and margin %

• Ability to understand the clustering of products visually

• Ability to see products that are above the median sales volume

Which action should the business analyst take to implement these requirements?



Create a pivot table and color the sales volume cell using K-Means function and median sales volume as an additional column


Create a treemap visualization showing sales volume and margin% by product with the median sales volume in the title


Create a combo chart with K-Means colors for the bar and a line measure representing median sales volume


Create a scatter plot using K-Means to color the products and add a median sales volume reference line

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Why choose Exams4sure QSBA2024 Practice Test?

With the complete collection of QSBA2024 practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through Qlik Sense Business Analyst test questions for your Qlik exam preparation. In this QSBA2024 exam dumps study guide we have compiled real Qlik Sense Business Analyst Certification Exam-2024 exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass Qlik Sense Business Analyst exam in your first attempt.

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