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HPE6-A78 Dumps - Aruba Certified Network Security Associate Exam Practice Exam Questions

HP HPE6-A78 - Aruba Certified Network Security Associate Exam Braindumps

HP HPE6-A78 - Aruba-ACNSA Practice Exam

  • Certification Provider:HP
  • Exam Code:HPE6-A78
  • Exam Name:Aruba Certified Network Security Associate Exam Exam
  • Total Questions:106 Questions and Answers
  • Updated on:Dec 9, 2024
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HP HPE6-A78 This Week Result

HPE6-A78 Question and Answers

Question # 1

A company is deploying ArubaOS-CX switches to support 135 employees, which will tunnel client traffic to an Aruba Mobility Controller (MC) for the MC to apply firewall policies and deep packet inspection (DPI). This MC will be dedicated to receiving traffic from the ArubaOS-CX switches.

What are the licensing requirements for the MC?



one AP license per-switch


one PEF license per-switch


one PEF license per-switch. and one WCC license per-switch


one AP license per-switch. and one PEF license per-switch

Discussion 0
Question # 2

The first exhibit shows roles on the MC, listed in alphabetic order. The second and third exhibits show the configuration for a WLAN to which a client connects. Which description of the role assigned to a user under various circumstances is correct?

Question # 2

Question # 2



A user fails 802.1X authentication. The client remains connected, but is assigned the "guest" role.


A user authenticates successfully with 802.1 X. and the RADIUS Access-Accept includes an Aruba-User-Role VSA set to "employeel.” The client’s role is "guest."


A user authenticates successfully with 802.1X. and the RADIUS Access-Accept includes an Aruba-User-Role VSA set to "employee." The client’s role is "guest."


A user authenticates successfully with 802.1X, and the RADIUS Access-Accept includes an Aruba-User-RoleVSA set to "employeel." The client's role is "employeel."

Discussion 0
Question # 3

Which scenario requires the Aruba Mobility Controller to use a Server Certificate?



Obtain downloadable user roles (DURs) from ClearPass.


Synchronize its clock with an NTP server that requires authentication.


Use RadSec for enforcing 802.1X authentication to ClearPass.


Use RADIUS for enforcing 802.1X authentication to ClearPass.

Discussion 0

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Why choose Exams4sure HPE6-A78 Practice Test?

With the complete collection of HPE6-A78 practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through Aruba-ACNSA test questions for your HP exam preparation. In this HPE6-A78 exam dumps study guide we have compiled real Aruba Certified Network Security Associate Exam exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass Aruba-ACNSA exam in your first attempt.

Why Prepare from Aruba-ACNSA HPE6-A78 Exam Dumps?

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Aruba Network Security certifications offer several benefits, including enhanced career prospects, recognition as a skilled professional in network security, access to exclusive resources, and potential salary increases.

Yes, Aruba offers e-learning programs for remote learning, providing flexibility and convenience for individuals seeking to enhance their skills in network security.

Yes, there is a growing demand for Aruba Certified professionals in the job market as organizations seek skilled individuals to design, implement, and manage secure networks using Aruba solutions.

Yes, Aruba provides fast-track options for professionals already certified with other vendors, enabling them to transition smoothly to Aruba certifications.

Aruba offers a range of network security services, including firewall, intrusion detection and prevention, secure access control, VPN services, and threat management solutions.

Yes, Aruba provides professional services related to network security, including consulting, design, implementation, and support services.

Aruba Cloud-Managed Networking enables centralized management and security of network infrastructure using cloud-based platforms like Aruba Central, offering simplified management, enhanced security, and scalability.

Dynamic Segmentation allows organizations to enforce security policies dynamically based on user roles, device types, and contextual information, aiding in traffic segmentation, threat containment, and policy compliance.

Our Satisfied Customers

United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Boran Lushi
3 months ago

Exams4sure is my trusted companion on the journey to HPE6-A78 certification. Their resources provide clarity and confidence, paving the way for success!

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